Wednesday, April 11, 2012

More about 25C-NBoMe, 2C-P Research, and Birthday!

Hey, what's up guys. For this post I really wanted to cover more on my 25C-NBoMe research experience. I also wanted to bring up my next chemical of interest; which hopefully will be here by my birthday, April 14th. So first, 25C-NBoMe.

=-=-=-=-= Method's Of Administration =-=-=-=-= 

Oral [1mg] - 1mg of 25C-NBoMe was diluted in .1ml of H2o, the H2o was then added to a blotter tab by a method of evaporation. Chemical taste was very strong and left a very annoying tingling sensation. Even after drinking soda, the bitter taste remained for about 15minutes. Stomach wrench was very noticeable around 00:20 Min, combated it with Cannabis (Cheese Strain). Psychedelic Effects started becoming noticeable around 00:45 Min, including slight euphoria, moodlift, slight stimulation, slight pupil dilation, and a general sense of a change of consciousness. Full-effects came after that which included Extreme Euphoria, Desire to go outdoors, Connection with others, enjoyable visualizations, increased appreciation of music, similar to Peyote/LSD.

Intranasaly[1mg] - This was my favorite method of using 25C-NBoMe as you reach full effects in like 20-30mn.

Smoking[1mg] - Diluted 1mg of 25C-NBoMe in .2ml of H2o, dropped over a cigarette, the cigarette then dried and smoked. Produced a headache just about everytime, slight Psychedelic Effects but definitely not worth it.



- Next day it was very difficult to achieve effects, and they were nowhere near as pronounced as the day before. Meaning like LSD and Psilocybin, tolerance builds up after repeated use


My next Chemical of interest is 2C-P. I'm currently awaiting my 500mg Sample Vial, and have high expectations for research with 2C-P. Will definitely be writing about this one! I decided to purchase it from BioChem Distribution for the reason that, I can't find 2C-P anywhere else (or anyone that'll ship it to me..),  so I decided to grab 500mg of 2C-P with 2-3 Day US Express Shipping (to avoid ridiculous timing and hopefully receive it on my birthday)


Talk to ya guys soon, peace.

- Hypnotic

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