Monday, April 2, 2012

Another Fruitless Day

Well, I checked again for my 2C-C-NBoMe package, and again, wound up disappointed. It has now been exactly one week since my purchase date and six days since my shipping confirmation was received. Now, it is still very possible that I could receive my package tomorrow and have things still be on-time. The website states it usually takes about seven days to receive a package. Plus, the company is located in Canada and my location is in New York, so that should be no problem, right?

Needless to say, research is postponed for another day! I'm feeling a bit under-the-weather today, so I guess it's not such a bad thing that it didn't come after all. I'm taking the day for relaxation and recooperation. I'm just doing trivial everyday things such as watching Myth Busters on Netflix, spending quality time with my girlfriend, eating a little bit here and there, and most importantly, sleeping!

I'm hoping tomorrow I'll be feeling better and hopefully my sample will have arrived for a full-day of research. Watching a family member's house for a week starting Wednesday, getting some amount of cash for price of living, so that ought to be interesting. Hurting a lot today, joints popping every which way, muscle stiffness, headache, and not to mention I'm fatigued as can be. Starting to prepare for a fantastic 4/20 party, so we're in the first stages of finding things like where the party should be, who is coming, and what music will be played. Technically, the 4/20 Party Planning JUST went into effect as of now due to the fact I just now thought about it and haven't said anything to anyone yet.

Pretty bummed out, I only have a few bowls left and am running low on funds until Wednesday. So that means, if I get my package tomorrow, there is a good chance I will be experimenting as well as cleaning out my paraphernalia!

So, I just found out that my girlfriend plans on spending the day at her apartment and my friend who plans on being my future roommate is cleaning my mother's house because she is sick (he offered! nice guy), that means I get today to myself. No offence to anyone else, but I generally enjoy these days because I seldom have isolated hours anymore, not even in the shower! My mind thinks, A LOT; I mean to the point where outside disturbances on my senses often hinders internal thought (I get distracted easiliy). Maybe it's a low attention span, maybe it's how deeply I analyze the contexts of my thought, either way, it get's irritating. So, my plans for right now is to smoke a bowl and straight RELAX. I just want today to pass-by as a cleansing/Sabbath of a day, get my package tomorrow, and do the research I've been so deadly curious about!

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